Adult film actor Daniel Hunter has been shooting X-Rated films since 2010. He has already been featured in 84 different erotic films after he made his porn debut. Daniel first appeared in Diabolic Video's Breast Beginnings with Natasha Dulce and Breanna Getz. In 2011, he joined the casts of Amateur Angels 23 and performed under the direction of Luc Wylder. Daniel Hunter was able to perform in Busty Creampies 4 where he was paired with the stunning starlet Lacie James. Lethal Hardcore gave him several roles for the porn series Your Mom Tossed My Salad that was last released in 2014. One of Daniel's recent project was Misha Cross: Wide Open directed by the notable filmmaker Manuel Ferrara. You can catch more of Daniel Hunter in Can He Score 7, Big League Squirters 4, True Amateur Couples and No Pornstars Allowed.
Daniel Hunter's Videos