At the tender age of 19, Elaina Raye started shooting X-Rated films. She has been performing since 2011 and has appeared in 94 erotic films. Elaina was seen performing cum swapping, creampie and solo performances. She also participated in few lesbian films and even did non sex performances. Elaina Raye also performed for web scenes like Best Fucking Friends and Fucking Machines 21173. One of her early works was I Can't Believe I Knocked Up Two Sluts 2 exclusively distributed by Lethal Hardcore. The starlet was also featured in Please Make Me Lesbian series by Girlfriends Films. You can catch more of Elaina Raye in Too Big for Teens 8, Tight Little Pussies, Moms Bang Teens 4 and Lesbian Psycho Dramas 7.
Elaina Raye's Videos