Felix Stulback has been showcasing his carnal skills since 2005. He was 22 years old when he shot his first erotic film and has already been credited in 175 titles. Felix has also played both top and bottom roles in his video projects. He was first featured in the erotic film Black Trannies Bangin White Fannies which was exclusively released by Juicy Entertainment. Felix Stulback was also part of Bonekas Na Eskola where he performed alongside shemale star Thaina Louzada. In 2007, he joined the casts of Black Teenage Transsexual Nurses 3 which was exclusively distributed by Robert Hill Releasing. He simultaneously performed top and bottom roles when he played Big Tit Transsexuals 3. Legend Video also chose Felix to perform in their erotic video Bi-Sexual Seduction with fellow actors Lucas Leal, Matheus Axell and Yago Ribeiro. See more of Felix Stulback and his works in Bareback to Paradise, Fucked by a Shemale 1, My Daughter Has a Dick 5 and Shemale Samba Mania 31.
Felix Stulback's Videos